File Sharing Made Simple: Setting Up Samba on Ubuntu with ServerStadium

Sharing files between Linux and Windows systems can be challenging in a multi-platform environment. Samba, a file-sharing utility for Ubuntu, bridges this gap. With ServerStadium’s reliable infrastructure, setting up Samba becomes straightforward, allowing for effortless cross-platform file sharing. Why Samba? Samba facilitates file sharing between Linux and Windows and acts as a domain controller, offering…

Automating Tasks on Ubuntu with Cron Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide with ServerStadium

In the dynamic world of server management, efficiency is key. One of the most powerful tools at an administrator’s disposal is the ability to automate tasks. Enter cron jobs, a scheduler for Unix-like operating systems, including Ubuntu. With ServerStadium’s robust infrastructure, setting up and managing cron jobs becomes a breeze. What are Cron Jobs? Cron…

Simple monitoring and alerting with Monit on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

TLDR Guide On Ubuntu 22.04: Example config: Mailserver config example using Gmail in /etc/monit/monitrc: Then reload Monit: Introduction Monit is a utility to monitor your services, systems, and processes and can handle alarms. Not only that, monit is available on most official upstream repositories. Its lightweight web user interface allows you to review the monitored…