Setting Up a Node.js Application Using Docker and Nginx on ServerStadium

This tutorial guides you through creating a secure and scalable environment for a Node.js application using Docker and Nginx on ServerStadium’s infrastructure. Prerequisites A ServerStadium VM or dedicated server. Review the options at ServerStadium VM Pricing and Dedicated Servers. Basic knowledge of Docker, Nginx, and Node.js. Step 1: Prepare Your ServerStadium Environment Select and Set…

Configuring a PostgreSQL Database Cluster with Replication on ServerStadium

This tutorial explains how to set up a PostgreSQL database cluster with replication using ServerStadium’s infrastructure. Prerequisites At least two ServerStadium VM instances or dedicated servers. Check ServerStadium VM Pricing and Dedicated Servers for options. Access to the ServerStadium Cloud Panel. Basic knowledge of PostgreSQL and Linux system administration. Step 1: Setting Up the Primary…

Making Your Django Project Production-Ready on Ubuntu 22.04: Gunicorn and Nginx Setup

This continuation of our guide will show you how to make your Django project production-ready on a ServerStadium VM using Gunicorn and Nginx. Step 8: Install and Configure Gunicorn Install Gunicorn with pip: Test Gunicorn’s ability to serve the project: Now, visit http://your_server_ip:8000 to confirm it’s serving your Django site correctly. Step 9: Create a…

File Sharing Made Simple: Setting Up Samba on Ubuntu with ServerStadium

Sharing files between Linux and Windows systems can be challenging in a multi-platform environment. Samba, a file-sharing utility for Ubuntu, bridges this gap. With ServerStadium’s reliable infrastructure, setting up Samba becomes straightforward, allowing for effortless cross-platform file sharing. Why Samba? Samba facilitates file sharing between Linux and Windows and acts as a domain controller, offering…