Configuring a PostgreSQL Database Cluster with Replication on ServerStadium

This tutorial explains how to set up a PostgreSQL database cluster with replication using ServerStadium’s infrastructure. Prerequisites At least two ServerStadium VM instances or dedicated servers. Check ServerStadium VM Pricing and Dedicated Servers for options. Access to the ServerStadium Cloud Panel. Basic knowledge of PostgreSQL and Linux system administration. Step 1: Setting Up the Primary…

File Sharing Made Simple: Setting Up Samba on Ubuntu with ServerStadium

Sharing files between Linux and Windows systems can be challenging in a multi-platform environment. Samba, a file-sharing utility for Ubuntu, bridges this gap. With ServerStadium’s reliable infrastructure, setting up Samba becomes straightforward, allowing for effortless cross-platform file sharing. Why Samba? Samba facilitates file sharing between Linux and Windows and acts as a domain controller, offering…

Automating Tasks on Ubuntu with Cron Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide with ServerStadium

In the dynamic world of server management, efficiency is key. One of the most powerful tools at an administrator’s disposal is the ability to automate tasks. Enter cron jobs, a scheduler for Unix-like operating systems, including Ubuntu. With ServerStadium’s robust infrastructure, setting up and managing cron jobs becomes a breeze. What are Cron Jobs? Cron…

Dedicated Servers and Cloud VMs: Which is Right for Your Business?

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are presented with various hosting solutions. Two standout options are dedicated servers and cloud VMs. Both have their unique strengths, and the ideal choice often hinges on specific business requirements. Let’s delve into the benefits of each. Dedicated Servers: Power and Precision Exclusive Resources: Dedicated servers provide exclusive access to…

Step-by-Step MEAN Stack Setup on ServerStadium VM Instances

Setting up a MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) can sometimes be complex, especially for newcomers. However, with ServerStadium’s VM instances, the process is straightforward. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you step by step through the entire process. Before we get started, be sure to visit our comprehensive Knowledge Base for a wealth of other…