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Setting Up an Apache Kafka Cluster on ServerStadium

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up an Apache Kafka cluster, which is ideal for handling real-time data processing tasks.


  • ServerStadium VMs or dedicated servers. Consider the size and number based on your Kafka workload. Check out ServerStadium VM Pricing and Dedicated Servers.
  • Basic knowledge of Linux, networking, and Kafka.

Step 1: Setting Up Your ServerStadium VMs/Dedicated Servers

  1. Choose Your Servers: Select at least three servers (one for each Kafka broker) for a basic Kafka cluster. Using the ServerStadium Cloud Panel, deploy your VMs or dedicated servers.
  2. Initial Server Setup: Access your servers via SSH. Update and upgrade each server:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Java

Kafka requires Java, so install it on all servers:

sudo apt install default-jdk

Verify the installation:

java -version

Step 3: Install Zookeeper

Kafka uses Zookeeper for cluster management:

  1. Install Zookeeper:

    sudo apt install zookeeperd

  2. Configure Zookeeper:Edit the Zookeeper configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg

    Ensure clientPort is set to 2181 and add the server details under the server.N= lines, where N is the server ID.

Step 4: Install and Configure Kafka

  1. Download Kafka: Go to the Apache Kafka website and download Kafka. Use wget on your servers:

    wget [Kafka-download-link]
    tar -xzf [Kafka-tar-file]

    Replace [Kafka-download-link] and [Kafka-tar-file] with the actual download link and file name.
  2. Configure Kafka:Inside the Kafka directory, edit the config/ file:

    nano config/

    Set the for each Kafka broker. Configure zookeeper.connect with the Zookeeper connection string.

Step 5: Start Kafka

  1. Start Kafka Broker:On each server:

    bin/ config/

Step 6: Create Kafka Topics

  1. Create a Topic:Use the Kafka scripts to create topics:

    bin/ –create –topic [topic-name] –bootstrap-server [server-list] –replication-factor 3 –partitions 1

    Replace [topic-name] with your topic and [server-list] with a list of your Kafka brokers.

Step 7: Test Your Kafka Cluster

  1. Produce Messages:Send some messages to your Kafka topic:

    bin/ –topic [topic-name] –bootstrap-server [server-list]

  2. Consume Messages:Read messages from the topic:

    bin/ –topic [topic-name] –from-beginning –bootstrap-server [server-list]


You have now set up an Apache Kafka cluster on ServerStadium infrastructure, which can be used for real-time data streaming and processing.

For additional assistance, check out the ServerStadium Knowledge Base or contact our support team.

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