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Setting Up Apache Druid 30.0.1 for Real-Time Analytics on Server Stadium Instant Dedicated Servers and Cloud VMs


In today’s data-driven landscape, real-time analytics is crucial for businesses aiming to make swift, informed decisions. Apache Druid is a high-performance, column-oriented, distributed data store designed for rapid analytics on large datasets. This guide will walk you through setting up Apache Druid on Server Stadium’s robust infrastructure, leveraging our Cloud VMs and Instant Dedicated Servers to meet your real-time analytics needs.

What is Apache Druid?

Apache Druid is an open-source, real-time analytics database designed for fast, slice-and-dice analytics (“OLAP” queries) on large datasets. It combines the best of both worlds: low-latency data ingestion and flexible data exploration.

  • High Performance: Designed for sub-second query responses.
  • Scalability: Easily scales from gigabytes to petabytes of data.
  • Fault Tolerance: Built-in replication and failover capabilities.
  • Flexible Data Ingestion: Supports both streaming and batch data ingestion.


  • Access to Server Stadium Cloud VMs or Instant Dedicated Servers. If you don’t have an account, sign up here.
  • Servers running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later.
  • Administrative or sudo privileges.
  • Basic knowledge of command-line operations and networking.

Step 1: Provision Your Server Infrastructure

  1. Choose Your Server Type:
    • Cloud VMs: Ideal for small to medium workloads or when you need flexibility.
    • Instant Dedicated Servers: Best for high-performance requirements and large-scale deployments. Instantly deploy your server without waiting times.
  2. Select Server Specifications:
    • CPU: Multi-core processors like Intel Xeon with high core counts for efficient parallel processing.
    • Memory: At least 32GB RAM is recommended for Apache Druid to handle large datasets and caching.
    • Storage: SSD or NVMe drives for faster data access.
    • Network: High bandwidth and low latency connections.

Step 2: Install Java

Apache Druid requires Java 8 or Java 11.

sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y

Verify the installation:

java -version

Step 3: Download and Extract Apache Druid 30.0.1

  1. Download the Latest Release:Visit the Apache Druid downloads page or use wget:


  2. Extract the Archive:

    tar -xzvf apache-druid-30.0.1-bin.tar.gz cd apache-druid-30.0.1

Step 4: Configure Apache Druid

For a simple setup, we’ll use the “single-server” configuration.

  1. Copy the Example Configuration:

    cp -r examples/conf ./conf

  2. Configure Storage and Metadata Stores:By default, Druid uses embedded Derby databases for metadata. For production, configure an external metadata store like MySQL or PostgreSQL.
    • Install PostgreSQL:

      sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y

    • Create a Database and User for Druid:

      sudo -u postgres psql

      Inside the PostgreSQL shell:


    • Configure Druid to Use PostgreSQL:Edit conf/druid/cluster/_common/ and set:

Step 5: Start Apache Druid Services

Start all services using the provided script:


This starts the following services:

  • Coordinator: Manages data availability.
  • Overlord: Manages task assignment.
  • Broker: Routes queries to data nodes.
  • Historical: Stores immutable segments.
  • MiddleManager: Handles ingestion tasks.

Step 6: Access the Druid Console

Open your web browser and navigate to:


You should see the Druid web console, where you can manage data sources, monitor cluster health, and run queries.

Step 7: Load Data into Druid

  1. Ingest Sample Data:Use the web console to load sample data or your own datasets.
  2. Configure Data Ingestion:
    • Batch Ingestion: For static files like CSV or JSON.
    • Streaming Ingestion: Ingest data from Kafka or other streaming sources.
  3. Monitor Ingestion Tasks:The console provides real-time updates on ingestion tasks.

Step 8: Query Data

  1. Use the Query Console:Run SQL-like queries directly from the web console.
  2. Connect External BI Tools:Apache Druid supports connections from tools like:
    • Apache Superset
    • Tableau
    • Grafana

Step 9: Secure Your Druid Cluster

For production environments:

  • Enable TLS/SSL: Configure HTTPS for web console and API endpoints.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Set up user roles and permissions.
  • Firewall Configuration: Set up firewall rules to restrict access.

Step 10: Scale Your Cluster

For high availability and better performance:

  • Add More Nodes: Use Server Stadium’s Instant Dedicated Servers to instantly add more data and query nodes.
  • Configure Load Balancing: Distribute query load across multiple brokers.

Benefits of Using Server Stadium for Apache Druid

  • High-Performance Hardware: Latest CPUs like AMD Ryzen and fast NVMe storage.
  • Scalability: Easily scale resources as your data grows.
  • Instant Deployment: Get your dedicated servers up and running instantly.
  • Global Network: Low-latency connections for faster data ingestion and query responses.
  • 24/7 Support: Expert assistance whenever you need it.


Setting up Apache Druid on Server Stadium’s Cloud VMs or Instant Dedicated Servers empowers your business with real-time analytics capabilities. Whether processing streaming data or running complex queries on large datasets, Apache Druid provides the required performance and flexibility.

Ready to harness real-time analytics? Explore our Cloud VM pricing or Instant Dedicated Server options and sign up today.

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