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Securing Docker Containers with AppArmor or SELinux


AppArmor and SELinux are essential for enhancing the security of Docker containers on ServerStadium’s infrastructure (VM Pricing, Dedicated Servers). These tools help in defining and managing access controls, making Docker environments more secure and resilient.


  • A ServerStadium VM or dedicated server (VM Pricing, Dedicated Servers).
  • Docker installed on the server.
  • Basic understanding of Linux security and containerization concepts.

Step 1: Set Up Your ServerStadium Environment

  1. Select a Server: Choose a ServerStadium server based on your Docker deployment needs.
  2. Prepare the Server:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install and Enable SELinux or AppArmor

  1. Install SELinux or AppArmor:

    Depending on your Linux distribution, install either SELinux or AppArmor:

    • For SELinux:

      sudo apt install selinux-utils selinux-basics sudo selinux-activate sudo selinux-config-enforcing

    • For AppArmor:

      sudo apt install apparmor apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils

  2. Enable and Configure the Security Module:

    Ensure that the security module is enabled and properly configured on your system.

Step 3: Apply Security Profiles to Docker Containers

  1. Use Default Profiles:

    Docker automatically applies default AppArmor or SELinux profiles to containers for basic security.

  2. Create Custom Profiles:

    For advanced security needs, create custom AppArmor or SELinux profiles:

    • For AppArmor, create a profile in /etc/apparmor.d/.
    • For SELinux, use tools like audit2allow to generate custom policies.

Step 4: Run Docker Containers with Security Profiles

  1. Start Containers with Custom Profiles:

    When running Docker containers, specify the security profile:

    • For AppArmor:

      docker run –security-opt apparmor=your_profile_name your_image

    • For SELinux:

      docker run –security-opt label=type:your_type_name your_image

Step 5: Monitor and Audit Container Security

  1. Audit and Log Security Events:

    Regularly review security logs to monitor for any unauthorized access attempts or policy violations.


By securing Docker containers with AppArmor or SELinux on ServerStadium servers, you ensure a higher level of security for your containerized applications. This approach is vital for maintaining the integrity and security of your Docker environments. For more detailed guidance, visit our knowledge base or contact our support team.

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