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Creating a Collaborative Code Environment with Gitea


Setting up Gitea on ServerStadium’s infrastructure (VM Pricing, Dedicated Servers) provides a private and customizable platform for code management and team collaboration. It’s ideal for teams looking for a simple, efficient, and self-hosted version control system.


  • A ServerStadium VM or dedicated server (VM Pricing, Dedicated Servers)
  • Basic understanding of Linux server administration and Git.
  • A domain name for accessing Gitea (optional).

Step 1: Prepare Your ServerStadium Server

  1. Select a Server: Choose a ServerStadium server based on the size of your development team and repository needs.
  2. Server Setup:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install and Configure Gitea

  1. Install Dependencies:

    Install Git and other necessary dependencies:

    sudo apt install git

  2. Download Gitea Binary:

    wget -O gitea chmod +x gitea

  3. Set Up Gitea as a Service:

    Move the binary to a suitable location (e.g., /usr/local/bin) and configure it to run as a service. Create a gitea.service file in /etc/systemd/system/.

Step 3: Initialize Gitea

  1. Start Gitea Service:

    sudo systemctl start gitea sudo systemctl enable gitea

  2. Access Gitea Web Interface:

    Navigate to http://your_server_ip:3000 in a web browser to access the Gitea setup screen.

  3. Configure Gitea:

    Through the setup screen, configure Gitea with your database, domain, SSH port, and other settings.

Step 4: Customize and Manage Gitea

  1. Admin Panel:

    Use the Gitea admin panel to manage users, repositories, and customize settings to suit your workflow.

  2. Create Repositories and Collaborate:

    Start creating repositories, adding team members, and collaborating on projects.


Gitea on your ServerStadium server now provides a powerful, self-hosted environment for collaborative code development. For additional customization, integrate Gitea with continuous integration tools or third-party applications. Visit our knowledge base for more resources or contact our support team for assistance.

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