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Managing Docker Instances on Server Stadium Dedicated Servers


Managing Docker instances effectively on a Server Stadium dedicated server is crucial for ensuring that applications run efficiently and securely. This guide will cover essential Docker commands and strategies for managing container lifecycles, including starting, stopping, rebuilding, and monitoring Docker containers.


  • A Server Stadium dedicated server running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS.
  • Administrative or sudo privileges on your server.
  • Docker installed on your server.

Step 1: Basic Docker Commands

  1. Starting a Docker Container
    To start a Docker container from an image:

    docker run -d –name container_name image_name

    Use -d to run the container in detached mode (in the background).
  2. Stopping a Docker Container
    To stop a running container:

    docker stop container_name

  3. Restarting a Docker Container
    To restart a stopped container:

    docker restart container_name

Step 2: Managing Container Lifecycle

  1. Removing a Docker Container
    To remove a stopped container permanently:

    docker rm container_name

  2. Viewing Active Containers
    To view all active (running) containers:

    docker ps

  3. Viewing All Containers
    To view all containers, including stopped ones:

    docker ps -a

Step 3: Updating and Rebuilding Containers

  1. Pulling Updated Images
    To update an image from Docker Hub or another registry:

    docker pull image_name

  2. Rebuilding a Container
    To rebuild a container with an updated image:

    docker stop container_name
    docker rm container_name
    docker run -d –name container_name image_name

    This sequence stops and removes the old container, then starts a new one with the updated image.

Step 4: Monitoring Docker Containers

  1. Checking Logs
    To view logs from a Docker container:

    docker logs container_name

  2. Monitoring Resource Usage
    To monitor resource usage of containers:

    docker stats


Effective management of Docker instances on a dedicated server involves understanding and utilizing various Docker commands to manage the lifecycle of containers. This ensures that your applications remain up to date, performant, and secure.

For further guidance or to explore more advanced Docker management techniques, visit our knowledge base or the Server Stadium website.

Table of Contents