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How to Deploy a Dockerized WordPress Site on ServerStadium’s Cloud Instances

WordPress is one of the world’s most popular content management systems (CMS). On the other hand, Docker is a platform that makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications using containers. Combining the two, you can easily deploy a Dockerized WordPress site. This guide will take you through deploying a Dockerized WordPress site on ServerStadium’s Cloud Instances.

Remember to visit our Knowledge Base for additional tutorials and guides.

Step 1: Register Your Account

First, you’ll need to register an account on our Registration Page. After filling out your details and creating your account, you’ll gain access to your personal Cloud Dashboard.

Step 2: Choose Your Cloud Instance

From your Cloud Dashboard, go to the ‘Add VM’ section. Here, you’ll find a variety of cloud instance options. Select the one that suits your needs. If you need help deciding, our Instance Pricing Guide can help you.

Step 3: Install Docker

After you’ve chosen your instance, the next step is to install Docker. To install Docker on your ServerStadium Cloud Instance, follow the instructions in our Setting Up a Docker Environment on ServerStadium’s Cloud Instances guide.

Step 4: Run a MySQL Container

Before deploying WordPress, you’ll need to set up a MySQL database. Docker makes this easy by allowing you to run MySQL in a separate container. Use the following command:

docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress -e MYSQL_USER=wordpress -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=wordpress -d mysql:5.7

This will create a new MySQL container with a database named “wordpress”. Remember to replace “my-secret-pw” with a secure password.

Step 5: Deploy a Dockerized WordPress Site

Now that you have a MySQL container running, you can deploy a Dockerized WordPress site. Use the following command:

docker run -d --name my-wordpress --link some-mysql:mysql -p 80:80 -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysql -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wordpress -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=wordpress -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress wordpress

This will create a new WordPress Docker container and link it to your MySQL container. WordPress will use the database you set up in the previous step.


Congratulations! You’ve just deployed a Dockerized WordPress site on ServerStadium’s Cloud Instances. With Docker and ServerStadium, deploying WordPress is as simple as running a few commands.

Visit our Knowledge Base for more tutorials and guides.

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